Saturday, December 7, 2013

Unconditional Love?

Unconditional love. It sounds good in the context of a romantic relationship. But it is no more than a fictional idea. It is a concept used to create depth within this thing called love. 
But the bottom line is, loving someone in spite of what they do is not at all realistic unless we all have the inclination to reduce ourselves to living, breathing door mats. The fact is, each and every one of us has conditions on our love. You might say that it is possible to separate and love someone from a far. But it's just not sustainable. Everybody has a limit.

There is no such thing as unconditional love. But we must love unconditionally.
Meaning that we must condition ourselves not to do anything to put our relationships in jeopardy. We must condition our hearts and minds so that we don't engage in behavior that forces our mate to contemplate the validity of the relationship.

There has to be a determination to see love through with a tenacity and dedication that overcomes all of our doubts and fears to be triumphant and perservere.

There is no such thing as unconditional love but we must love unconditionally.


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